Real Estate Calculator
Real Estate is a broad term with many different calculations associated with it. Included is a list to help choose the right calculator to fit most real estate needs. If after perusing this list you find that the calculator you need doesn’t exist, please contact us with your concerns and we determine if it is possible to build one for public use.
- Mortgage Calculator—plan real estate mortgage loans or compare them against other loans.
- House Affordability Calculator—calculate residential real estate affordability based on household income-to-debt estimates or fixed monthly budgets.
- Mortgage Payoff Calculator—evaluate mortgage payoffs with additional or lump sum payments.
- Refinance Calculator—plan and/or compare real estate loan refinancing options.
- FHA Loan Calculator—estimate and evaluate the payments and options for FHA loans.
- VA Mortgage Calculator—estimate and evaluate the payments and options for VA loans.
- Down Payment Calculator—calculations centered around the down payment of a home purchase.
- APR Calculator—help figure out the real APR of your loan with fees and points.
- Rental Property Calculator—calculate return percentages, capitalization rate, and cashflows of rental property investments.
- Rent Calculator—estimate rental fee affordability based on income and debt levels.
- Rent vs. Buy Calculator—evaluate the financial feasibility of a rent-or-buy decision.